4 Ways to Create Backyard Zombie Role-playing Games for Children

Movies, television shows, and literature have all jumped on the zombie bandwagon. The whole genre is great for horror fans and also create a fun way for children to role-play and play with friends. If your child loves zombies, then you can create a fun backyard experience for them to play a variety of zombie games. Whether they are playing alone or with friends, enhancing these experiences can create hours of fun in the backyard. Not only is a fun way to play, but it can expose children to the outdoors and encourage a lot of physical activity. Browse through four different ways for your child to role-play zombie situations in the backyard. These ideas can be mixed together to create an exciting experience.

Zombie Dummies

Help create a zombie apocalypse in your backyard by making your own zombie dummies for use in the backyard. By collecting old clothes, you can easily make these dummies and position them in multiple places in the backyard. Using leaves or grass trimmings, you can stuff clothes to fill them out. Using a stapler or rubber bands, you can easily tie off arm and leg holes so that the clothes stay packed with items. A balloon can be blown up and drawn on to create a fun zombie face as the dummy is set up in the backyard. As your child plays in the backyard, they can attack the dummy or pretend to run away from it. Create multiple dummies to set up fun scenarios and have the zombies located around multiple positions in the yard.

Rubber Band Guns

As children hunt zombies down, they will need some toy weapons to go on these adventures. When choosing toy weapons for your child, consider a safe and classic toy like a rubber band gun. These guns are lightweight and easy to use. Children can stretch a single rubber band across the gun and then pull the trigger to launch it through the air. When purchasing a toy rubber band gun, the packages typically come with bags of rubber bands to give your child plenty of ammo to shoot with. Rubber band guns can be purchased in a number of different styles including hand guns, shotguns, or snipers through companies like Elastic Precision. They create fun ways to role-play the zombie attack and keep your child safe while playing.

Printable Targets

Pair your rubber band gun with some fun targets that can be placed around a backyard. A number of websites offer free zombie targets that can be printed out and hung up in different locations. Before your child goes out to play, you can surprise them by hanging up the target at random locations and giving them places to shoot at. Along with regular zombie target designs, you can find free targets featuring zombie animals like deer. Laminating or printing the targets on a thick paper like card stock can help make the targets more durable and last through multiple types of weather.

Zombie Shelters

Help your child create a small playhouse that can act as a zombie shelter while they play in the backyard. Zombie shelters can be made in a number of different styles. A small canopy, a wooden fort, or a tent can all be set up as a shelter. Add some supplies like snacks, waters, and blankets. You could also hide these supplies around the yard and provide a map for your child. As they try to fend off the zombies, they can use the map to collect supplies and safely return to the shelter. The area is also a great place for children to hang out and rest after running around the yard.

Not only are these ideas great for everyday play, but they can create fun events for birthday parties or family picnics. Shop with your child so they can help select the best zombie items for their backyard adventures.
